Sunday, August 5, 2007

Skateboarding is fun!

For those of you who may or may not have heard the news, but my beautiful, smart, fun wife broke her ankle at jr. high summer camp on tuesday, july 31st. Oh yeah! She broke her ankle. It wasn't tripping on some stairs or a rock on a lil hiking trip, no, it was skateboarding at the awesome Thousand Pines Skate Park! And here we were planning to leave that night after dinner and she breaks her ankle at around 4:30 PM. So, we quickly pack up our stuff and drive down the mountain and get to the hospital at 5:30 PM. 4 1/2 hours later in the scary san berdo emergency room we are finally done and we were on our way home at 10:00 PM. Yea Camp! I love camp!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Hooray for skateboarding! Hooray for broken bones! Hooray for wheelchair-pushing husbands!