Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ok, i think its time to blog again, but will anyone read it?

i decided i'd like to start blogging again. i think i hit a busy season or thought too hard about what to write and just stopped. my wife says, " just start blogging again and be yourself". my wife is so smart! if anyone should be blogging its her, but she is way more busy, busier, than me.


Allison said...

I'm reading it! I subscribe to your blog...

Be yourself...I like Ron!

Mike Lovato said...

Totally reading. Keep it up!

Josh Treece said...

Of course we're reading!

rachkevdenham said...

YEAH!!!!! Finally.

Jodie Howerton said...

Hi Ron!! J ust found your blog!! Hope you and Katie and Abby are all doing GREAT!!!